Entries received by the Test Secretary for Tests must be postmarked no earlier than February 1 of the test year.

Emailed applications will not be accepted. 

Testing Fees: $200 for UT | $175 for NA | $25 Non-Member Fee

Mail Entries to: 

Heidi Atkinson

 245 County Rd. 312, Westerlo, NY 12193 

E-Mail questions: 


All Owners and Handlers must hold a current NAVHDA International Membership. 

All dogs entering any NAVHDA test are required to be NAVHDA registered and are subject to NAVHDA eligibility requirements.

If your dog is not currently registered with NAVHDA, contact the central office to do so. 

Ensure the dogs NAVHDA registered name and registration number are correct and that the owner(s) and handler name and NAVHDA member number are displayed correctly on the entry form. 

If applicable, include with the completed test entry form and payment, copies of the dogs’ hip X-ray evaluation certificate and DNA certificate.

Certificates do not need to be included if already on file with NAVHDA Central Office. 

Dogs are eligible for a Natural Ability Test up until, and including, the day they reach 16 months of age.

Dogs over 16 months may be run for evaluation only. 

NA Evaluation dogs over 16 months will be placed on the wait list and may only be run if space is available.

Payment and Receipt of Entries: 

Payment shall be in US funds and may be a money order or personal check made payable to SACNAVHDA, Venmo (@sacnavhda-sacnavhda) or Paypal (; please send no cash. Those choosing Venmo or Paypal transactions must include a receipt of payment with their entry. Entries are on a first come, first serve basis. Post mark on the envelope determines order of receipt. You will be notified that you have been placed either on the running list or, if we are full, the waiting list. 

Wait list entries will move to the running list in order as openings occur.

You may not 'move' your entry between tests. Submit a new entry form for each test. 

Refund Policy: 

• If you withdraw from the test inside the 30 days prior to the test weekend, your entry fee will not be refunded. 

• If you are on the wait list and a spot is offered to you inside of the 30-day window and you decline it, your entry fee will not be refunded. 

• If you withdraw from the test outside of the 30-day window and there is a dog to take your spot, you will receive your entry fee back minus a $30.00 fee. • If you are on the waiting list and you do not get a spot in the test, your entry fee will be refunded in full. 

• If your dog cannot run due to an injury, your entry fee will be refunded (A note from your veterinarian is required).